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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2018

I'm not the stepfather I'm the father that stepped up shirt

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I'm not the stepfather I'm the father that stepped up shirt Buy it :  I'm not the stepfather I'm the father that stepped up shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com That’s one way to waste money, keeping records in the first place would have been much cheaper We were talking about the children being mixed up.3000 too many. Doing this served what purpose. They could not afford for people that are raped or incarcerated there was no funds but now they find the  I’m not the stepfather I’m the father that stepped up shirt  USA first. Send her a bill for services rendered and damages. History and am a liberal, but I respect the beauty and construction of this piece. You don’t come to this country and then walk all over our national monuments just cause you want to make a statement or get your fifteen minutes of fame.

I'm not the stepfather I'm the father that stepped up shirt

I'm not the stepfather I'm the father that stepped up shirt Buy it : 

Luis Severino SEVY shirt

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Luis Severino SEVY shirt Buy it :  Luis Severino SEVY shirt From  :  sciencemarchshirts.com I’m sure those who don’t see anything wrong with what the Border Patrol did was wrong, will definitely think differently if that happened, Cochran Don’t you think it’s strange that the  Luis Severino SEVY shirt  decides to do this now. what if Canadian Immigration, went to a disputed, area of Maine, or say, Massachusetts. How about that. Would that be us, just doing our job. Hasn’t Trump even begun to accomplish that yet. After all, he’s been in office since 1 17 and this is 7 18. Cop in Ohio stopped a California SUV with a tour boat from Florida going for boating lessons in the middle of winter on the St.Tom Sandford I am a Proud Canadian American Deplorable.

Roses are red fireworks are scary back up back up put it in reverse terry shirt

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Roses are red fireworks are scary back up back up put it in reverse terry shirt Buy it :  Roses are red fireworks are scary back up back up put it in reverse terry shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com The Dems keep talking that  because they are afraid of his accomplishments, as well they should be, but despite untold money and time spent, nothing. and abuses leaders who take care of theirs. Spin Anti Christ Watch Him wreck the  Roses are red fireworks are scary back up back up put it in reverse terry shirt . have no solution either. love our president Keeping your friends close but your enemies closer Getting along with Russia and getting along with China and getting along with other countries is a good thing. Bryce, then you better figure out what communism and socialism is, because that’s what you represent and vote for. Where do you people come from Larry.

Deadpool I don't feel like adulting today shirt

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Deadpool I don't feel like adulting today shirt Buy it :  Deadpool I don't feel like adulting today shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com The days of unbiased reporting is over, Do you have verifiable information to the contrary. Or are you just going to keep assuming you’re right about this. What specific language in the report do you consider biased, And just so I’m clear on this, you’re accusing an American media organization of being biased against American interests have I got that right. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they are reporting about an unnecessary, gratuitous, mean spirited shakedown of Canadian citizens. I would bet that the  Deadpool I don’t feel like adulting today shirt  he rolled back enriched his Corporation buddies and himself.

Fox Just keep climbing shirt

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Fox Just keep climbing shirt Buy it :  Fox Just keep climbing shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com Trump is still in charge of hiring, but maybe it will be someone who is not blatantly stealing from tax payers. But don’t be fools, they’ll just replace him with a quiet swamp dweller who’ll take away more of the protections that keep the country from turning into Flint Michigan.Happy dance I uploaded a  Fox Just keep climbing shirt  of my kid eating an apple and Facebook took it down claiming it wasn’t appropriate. She was 6 and the apple was bigger than her at the time, Don’t celebrate his departure just yet, trump will fire Sessions and slip Pruitt right into that position. I seem to remember Charlie Sheen also yelling about how much he was winning as he fell from grace too.Janice Meredith ya he looks like he is winning with people dropping from his administration like rats fleeing the ship. He should be made to pay back his lavish spending a...

Build A Wall Make Alabama Great Again shirt

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Build A Wall Make Alabama Great Again shirt Buy it :  Build A Wall Make Alabama Great Again shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com I said this when she had enough money to get  Build A Wall Make Alabama Great Again shirt  made about the US President and people down the road from her had no water, Seems Maria D. Contreras has no opinion of her own but likes to troll and mock others opinions and that should NOT be tolerated anywhere on face book. In a day, I will receive 2 phone calls from people I know and 20 from robo callers. I’m sick of it. I just don’t answer the calls. I was getting calls for the  Build A Wall Make Alabama Great Again shirt . Also getting calls for solar panels, I tell them I live in a caravan and a shed, they have no idea what a caravan and a shed is.

Bigfoot saw me but no one believed him shirt

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Bigfoot saw me but no one believed him shirt Buy it :  Bigfoot saw me but no one believed him shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com Praying and lurking over easy victims whom we are naive or not aware from this roaches crazy for money, fame and power, Sunscreen is NOT good for your skin. Obviously it’s not good for our oceans or coral reefs.  Sunscreen actually does more harm than good. And now we are slowly finding out that sunscreen actually causes cancer. Would be nice if they tested the  Bigfoot saw me but no one believed him shirt  before putting it on the market. hat girl should of been charged, it was her fault & she started it and all of it was her fault Positive energy to heal quickly and completely. Protecting what’s yours would be taking your 2 and 4 year old in the store with you. And not leaving them in the car with a loaded gun in the glove compartment, only after leaving them vulnerable to the danger in the fi...

I hate people camping shirt version 2

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I hate people camping shirt version 2 Buy it :  I hate people camping shirt version 2 From :  sciencemarchshirts.com All well that ends well, but I hope this makes this Mom rethink her choice of convenience over safety.You should have shot him 3 times to make sure he did not do this again. She did the right thing except for leaving her precious children in the car. Never do that. Should Have Never Left Them ALONE In The First Place If your gonna shot, who leaves a 2 and 4 year old in an unlocked car at 10:pm to go into a store? Glad she had protection because it could have ended much worse for those innocent kids. My first response was good for her and then it turned to why did she leave the  I hate people camping shirt version 2  in the car. I see it as she was parked out front where her kids were visible which if everyone remembers 2 and 4 year olds are in car seats.

Chicken weed pot pi shirt

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Chicken weed pot pi shirt Buy it :  Chicken weed pot pi shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com You lay down your life for your children. And you take down a life to save theirs in a heartbeat. You can put your kids in a dangerous situation then legally defend them from that situation. Good for her Woman after my own heart., good  Chicken weed pot pi shirt  We don’t play in Texas.Lock and Load we protect ourselves good for you MAMA BEAR. YOU DID EXACTLY THE RIGHT THING A warning shot to the head. It actually says she believed he would propose to her but he was already married with A child so when he found out she was pregnant he pretty much premeditated murder. He threw her out like she was nothing and I hope he got life in prison.

Rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt

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Rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt Buy it :  Rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com I pray for you healing , and hope in time you can put this behind you This sure seems to be rather well constructed to be a first rape. There are probably more out there; however, if he was introducing drugs to his victims they might not have realized he used their unconscious bodies for sex. Actions have consequences people, when you don’t listen to the  Rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt  you get what you deserve and FYI ICE is very important and you lack knowledge of what they do and stand for. Good On top of having to unclog someone’s ‘vacation diarrhea’ toilet, picking used condoms up from under the bed, or trying not to bring bed bugs home while dealing with demanding guests, you shouldn’t have to tolerate having your crotch grabbed or worse just because you really need that job. ...

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning shirt

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My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning shirt Buy it :  My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com Everest no need to prove how high one can get by disrespecting this icon or any other.Our homeless veterans and homeless children who where born here come first, not some illegals. Parents break the  My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning shirt  by illegal entrance to our country, and their children have to suffer. for an Admin that screwed up getting families back together without doing DNA testing sure know how to keep this all behind dark curtains.Great detective work CBS. You are doing a great  My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning shirt  since you came back from 8 years off from holding the president accountable!Grasping at straws.

Dog Floral Pitbull shirt

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Dog Floral Pitbull shirt Buy it :  Dog Floral Pitbull shirt From :  imagestees.com It’s been a long dry spell since Reagan but with Trump we are back and ain’t going take it anymore. Vote out all Democrats folks. End socialism in our Republic. If it’s so important why break ties with allies we used to have. He just likes the  Dog Floral Pitbull shirt  and their mentality! He’s a sick individual!You know what’s funny is that Liberals don’t want us to get along with say, China, or Russia, or North Korea, but how then do they justify wanting this relationship with Mexico. I bet they can’t. but I’m sure they’re laughing because he’s being ridiculed and put down by the  Dog Floral Pitbull shirt  and politicians. Don’t tell me God has not put a hedge of protection around our president.

Let's all go to the library to get our Brains a treat shirt

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Let's all go to the library to get our Brains a treat shirt Buy it:  Let's all go to the library to get our Brains a treat shirt From  :  imagestees.com President Trump is brilliant and try to challenged members of the  Let’s all go to the library to get our Brains a treat shirt  that America and the rest of the Eu Union start with zero tariff but everyone keep silent because they used to taken advantage of us for unfair trading.How about getting along with Iran? What about paying them billions and unfreezing 100+ billions. Is that a good thing. Why didn’t the two networks that cover him 24 7 CNN and didn’t cover his speech. Because they’re scared of him. Talking is always better than violence, too bad Liberals aren’t intelligent enough to get that. Obama gave Iran $400 Million.

Three Dwight Schrute moon shirt

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Three Dwight Schrute moon shirt Buy it :  Three Dwight Schrute moon shirt From :  imagestees.com Difference between a STRONG leader vs a WEAK leader.Getting along, is Not supporting them with our money like Liberals think we should. They love  Three Dwight Schrute moon shirt  give away and take from US. Having good relations with countries whose leaders want to cause US harm while turning your back to our allies is a good thing in this upside down world we are living in. It amazes me how adults can escalate into high school name calling and bullying and are so far away from civility. How can people walk around day after day with so much anger and hate. What a waste of life. Why don’t u make efforts to get along with America. You want to a dictator just say so. Though trump seems to wish that it were, and his minions amazingly would follow him.

She has the soul of a gypsy the heart of a hippie and the spirit of a mermaid shirt

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She has the soul of a gypsy the heart of a hippie and the spirit of a mermaid shirt Buy it:  She has the soul of a gypsy the heart of a hippie and the spirit of a mermaid shirt From :  imagestees.com Just mind their own business And other countries do the same the world would be A much more peaceful planet. He learned so much from his dad who was a strong supporter of Hitler. So happy of the  She has the soul of a gypsy the heart of a hippie and the spirit of a mermaid shirt  and Fear mongering from Liberals and left wing big mouths. We have never had so many issues with other countries in recent years, if he doesn’t get us into a war I would be surprised And crapping on your allies makes Putin very happy and reduces chances Putin will show the  She has the soul of a gypsy the heart of a hippie and the spirit of a mermaid shirt  he has on Donnie.Our allies are slapping tariffs on US goods because Trump can’t get along with them. So until h...

United states space force pew pew shirt

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United states space force pew pew shirt Buy it :  United states space force pew pew shirt From :  imagestees.com Except for the one third in the  United states space force pew pew shirt , you love Russia Tamera McPherson stay away from tall buildings and bridges is my only advice when Mueller drops the hammer. So you were one of the victims whose brain melted November 2016. The Democrats would like us to go to war with Russia because they lost an election, he has nothing he is grasping at straws, you are not a smart man, wake up and get a life pal because you are behind Your classic case of mental health issues, folks. what has he done exactly. I guess I’m a pinko, He talks to his supporters at their level Same ole’ BS. Quote from Scotty Pruitt:here is Junior’s new girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle. I bet they stayed in Montana just to wait for the Squatter’s arrival.

I'm not the mom you wanna mess with I can go from classy to ghetto shirt

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I'm not the mom you wanna mess with I can go from classy to ghetto shirt Buy it :  I'm not the mom you wanna mess with I can go from classy to ghetto shirt From :  imagestees.com To good you’re alienating are best  I’m not the mom you wanna mess with I can go from classy to ghetto shir t that have fought in wars by our side against those you cozy up too. Just saw Bill Shine formerly of Fox News will now be part of the  I’m not the mom you wanna mess with I can go from classy to ghetto shirt   administration.good choice,the best only the best!I guess Getting along with Russia is better than Getting along with all the Allies and way better then getting along with America.What a clown! Denigrates Canada, allies and wants to withdraw from NATO, got out of the Paris Accord and talks about getting along with other dictators or selling them uranium, or giving them billions of dollars then it’s just fine, a swindler listen can do it all aro...

Jesus protected women our turn shirt

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Jesus protected women our turn shirt Buy it :  Jesus protected women our turn shirt From :  imagestees.com That let this racist talk about me too dem need to take over Mueller drop indictment on this fraud crook So so gals Obama is gone. I don’t live there, if i could find a job with what I do I would live there in a heart beat. I like a President who speaks his mind and does not care about political correctness. but I’m sure North Korea, The Philippines will fill the  Jesus protected women our turn shirt  Getting along with Russia, who is trying to destroy every democracy still left standing, is a good thing, And Russia is no longer a Soviet communist state now I know that brings tears two American liberals eyes but that’s just the way it is.

Wild Heart Gypsy Soul Savage Attitude shirt

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Wild Heart Gypsy Soul Savage Attitude shirt Buy it :  Wild Heart Gypsy Soul Savage Attitude shirt From :  imagestees.com Getting along with them, not bowing down to them Donald please explain why you are going to meet with Putin without any other Americans in the room. Is it the  Wild Heart Gypsy Soul Savage Attitude shirt . and Hillary leading my party I wouldn’t walk away I’d run. It’s an electronic version of the National Enquirer, it’s licensed as entertainment for a good reason. PS do all your leaders take such bad pics like Maxine. Hilary So communist countries are our friends. Western democracies Just look at all the  Wild Heart Gypsy Soul Savage Attitude shirt  that Russia influenced enough to vote for Hillary. The only colluding with China he is doing is trying to keep pressure on NK to denuclearize.

Music connects people shirt

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Music connects people shirt Buy it:  Music connects people shirt From :  imagestees.com Trump only likes people who like him no matter how big a piece of s you could be and you could be Pope Francis criticise the man and have him and the  Music connects people shirt  down the Pope.The Pope who talks down to Christians in defence of Islam, or the Pope that talks down about our wall, from behind his own?He means Russia, North Korea, and the Philippines, NOT any European country nor any country on the American continents.Getting along with other countries is good. President Trump is right So you are working hard on Russia and North Korea, that’s great. How about Canada son Why won’t Dems even try to get along.

Just a kid who likes to watch other kids on Youtube shirt

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Just a kid who likes to watch other kids on Youtube shirt Buy it :  Just a kid who likes to watch other kids on Youtube shirt From :  imagestees.com Knight obviously different countries, different situations. But if Trump is willing to get along with countries like North Korea or Russia then why not Cuba as well. They’re all run by terrible people.Getting along with nations like Mexico who have declared war on you may be considered growth by every pot smoking , LSD taking yuppie in America. Maybe you could begin going to work in a tie dye  Just a kid who likes to watch other kids on Youtube shirt  and start each day off by singing. Thank you Mr.Trump wants to hold a private meeting with Putin without any other Americans in the room, it’s not like he sending a plane full of money in the middle of the  Just a kid who likes to watch other kids on Youtube shirt  or anything. to a country that chants DEATH TO AMERICA right. ...

LaBron make Los Angeles great again shirt

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LaBron make Los Angeles great again shirt Buy it :  LaBron make Los Angeles great again shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com I suppose she wanted to take him with her to wherever we go at departure time.  Panic buttons aren’t used to protect hotel workers; walkie talkies are used for that. You are running a risk for us all of increased hotel prices so law enforcement can raid an adjacent room.  Don’t make your mama mad to her breaking point, bad things can happen, she’s always the your boss. Another dirty officer. Now the victim family will not maybe never get the  LaBron make Los Angeles great again shirt  because of actions of a seemed corrupt cop. All because they don’t wanna do the actual work to catch a killer, they play dirty and try to pin it on others.  What the police officer did was wrong, but due to the weak judicial system too many people and police officers lives are st risk What of the Victims f...

Cerberus Mommy can we keep him shirt

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Cerberus Mommy can we keep him shirt Buy it :  Cerberus Mommy can we keep him shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com I so love Melania and President Trump. I hope they get to have a nice holiday together. Very nice to see a President and First Lady who demonstrate publicly their respect for America. That sounds really good and there is nothing the  Cerberus Mommy can we keep him shirt  can do to stop it. What an incredible man, the love he has for this country and her people are incredible. The Best President and First Lady. May God continue to keep you both very safe, you are correct Wayne Stafford, did the same old thing every day, week, month and year of NOTHING TO BENEFIT AMERICA while he was in the WHITE HOUSE and we are so HAPPY THAT HE OUT!Donald Daniels obummer didn’t do anything good for the country. Only lined his pockets.

Rick and Morty Adidas all day I dream about schwifty shirt

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Rick and Morty Adidas all day I dream about schwifty shirt Buy it :  Rick and Morty Adidas all day I dream about schwifty shirt From  :  sciencemarchshirts.com I’m sure there is a good reason a handful of Senators are in Russia for the celebration.Too bad she had to tell him which hand to use and where to put it them.God bless the USA Beautiful  Rick and Morty Adidas all day I dream about schwifty shirt . God bless America and our patriotic President and the most beautiful First Lady ever♡♡ MAGA.Is it just me or is Melania actually looking away from the flag in honor of it. Thank God for Patriotic Americans like President Trump and FLOTUS. Grace, class, intelligence! So refreshing! It’s nice to have a president and first lady who loves our country the last president was the biggest hoax ever played on Americans in the history of the United States.

Rick And Morty Warrior Golden State Warriors shirt

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Rick And Morty Warrior Golden State Warriors shirt Buy it :  Rick And Morty Warrior Golden State Warriors shirt From :  sciencemarchshirts.com God continue to bless you Mr President Trump2020. I love my  Rick And Morty Warrior Golden State Warriors Shirt  he’s the best one yet. Melania is so beautiful. Her style is on point much love to the Trumps! We support you!Well we know he didn’t sing it name one president that doesn’t know the national  Rick And Morty Warrior Golden State Warriors Shirt . Out standing message to the AMERICA PEOPLE.We are so blessed to have a President and First Lady who love our Country. God Bless America. Wonderful celebration THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS OUR PRESIDENT, First Lady and family. God Bless America and our military along with their families as well.