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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2018

Snoop Dogg Twas the nizzle before Christmizzle and all through the hizzle ugly sweater

Hình ảnh
We can only hope that the people responsible for this tragedy will be held accountable. What planet are you from? He confessed to wrong doings and more for Christ sake! I PRAY HE SUES EVERYONE THAT DESTROYED HIS LIFE Ola Dobs do you ever keep up with current events or with the current news? Do you ever read anything?Ola Dobs cnn full of misleading and lies.  It’s collusion to interfere in the Snoop Dogg Twas the nizzle before Christmizzle and all through the hizzle ugly sweater  collusion isn't even a crime & as such isn't even an impeachable offense Numbnuts!Mark Marshall, conspiracy against the United States IS a crime. Click to buy it:  Snoop Dogg Twas the nizzle before Christmizzle and all through the hizzle ugly sweater  Just ask Trump’s old buddy ManafortSo this is the output for bankrupting and pulverizing his reputation for 2 years?.I hope he sues the crap out of this joke of an SCNelly Endless she doesn’t know. She just wanted to comment somethin...